Civ 6 Agreements

Civilization VI (Civ 6) is an exciting strategy game that has captivated players worldwide. One of the most interesting aspects of the game is the ability to form agreements with other civilizations.

There are several types of agreements available in Civ 6, each with its unique benefits and drawbacks. In this article, we`ll explore the different types of agreements and how to use them effectively.

1. Alliance

An alliance is the most potent type of agreement you can form with another civilization in Civ 6. It opens up many benefits, including sharing vision, military support, open borders, research agreement, and joint war.

To form an alliance, you need to have a high relationship with the other civilization and a common enemy. Once you have formed an alliance, you can use it to conquer your enemies more efficiently.

2. Research Agreement

A research agreement is a mutual agreement between two civilizations to share scientific knowledge. Both sides will benefit from the exchange of technology, helping them move forward in the game more quickly.

To form a research agreement, you need to have a high relationship with the other civilization and a similar scientific level. Ensure that you have enough gold to spend on the research agreement as it requires a specific amount.

3. Open Borders

Open borders allow you to move freely through another civilization`s territory. This agreement is helpful if you need to explore the map or move your troops to attack enemies.

To form an open borders agreement, you need to have a high relationship with the other civilization and a good diplomatic standing. Ensure that you use this agreement to your advantage by exploring new territories or launching surprise attacks.

4. Military Support

Military support is an agreement between two civilizations where one supports the other with military forces. This support can be in the form of troops, resources, or even tactical assistance.

To form a military support agreement, you need to have a high relationship with the other civilization and a common enemy. Ensure that you use this agreement carefully, as it can be costly and might have consequences.

5. Trade Agreement

A trade agreement is a mutual agreement between two civilizations to trade resources, which benefits both parties. This agreement can include strategic resources, luxury resources, and other goods.

To form a trade agreement, you need to have a high relationship with the other civilization and an adequate amount of gold. Ensure that you trade wisely, as some resources are more valuable than others.

In conclusion, forming agreements with other civilizations in Civ 6 can be the key to your success. It is essential to understand the different types of agreements and which ones will help you achieve your goals. Remember to use these agreements carefully and to your advantage to emerge victorious in the game.